As part of our Earth Day 2010 Contest, Rachel shares her {rather suprising} finding when switching to home laundered cloth diapers:
I am going to put myself in the new mom category. While my son is 6 months old now, we used a diaper service for the first 3 months and then I switched to doing it on my own.
The most surprising thing I have learned in the last 3 months of cloth diapering has been that
it can be fun! There were many people that told me not to bother, that I would give up, that it would be so much work.... and
I have proved them all wrong. Not only is cloth diapering easy, I spend maybe 30 minutes every 2-3 days on laundry, it is also a lot of fun.
There are now so many options for cloth diapering, different brands and styles, cute printed covers and pocket diapers, and I have had a lot of fun trying out different diapers to find the ones we love and that work for our baby. I wish everyone knew that it is no longer plastic pants and diaper pins. It is cute prints, easy to stuff pockets,
all-in-one diapers that are just as easy to put on as a disposable and
beautiful wool covers for night that let a baby's bottom breath. These are not the cloth diapers our mothers used - these are
our cloth diapers!
Along with the fun is a huge desire to tell other moms how
easy it can be. How
good it feels to not take out bags of diaper garbage every day. How running a load of late night diaper laundry is
a lot easier than going to a store. And how
cute a baby bottom looks in a cloth diaper!
*The opinions expressed in this blog post are those of the contest entrant and do not necessarily reflect that of New & Green Baby Co. We wish to thank all of our contest entrants who graciously shared their stories to help further the education and support of families wishing to cloth diaper their children. Read more about our Earth Day 2010 Contest.
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Alicia wrote: